Posts Tagged ‘flinders lane melbourne’

Carlow House: 34-36 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne
Carlow House is one of Harry Norris’ more interesting designs from the late 1930s and it was originally constructed as an steel framed 10 storey office building for the Paynes by E A Watts and completed in 1939.1

Bible House: 241 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
The current building was constructed for Mr Chas Edgerton was designed by architect Frank Stapley and built by R Stockdale in 1898.1
he site was originally occupied by a two storey printing office and stationery warehouse built in 1877 for Fergusson & Moore printers. In 1888 the building was extended, however it was severely damaged by fire in 1897.2

Former Beath, Schiess & Feldstead Building: 109-113 Russell Street, Melbourne
109 Russell Street is a three storey red brick and render warehouse at the corner of Flinders Lane and Russell Street. It was built in 1910 for Beath, Scheiss and Feldstead clothing manufacturers to a design by architects HW & FB Tompkins and forms part of a significantly intact pre World War II streetscape on both Flinders Lane and Russell Streets.